Coming Soon!

This page contains information on the upcoming DiggyVerse 2.0 (Minecraft 1.7.10) update, check back regularly for the latest information and announcements!

Current Client Version: Beta-1.1.8
Current Server Version: 1.7.10-1614.DV2.53

Updated :  11:00 pm (UK), 1st April 2016.

64x BDCraft Texture pack... complete!

Custom mods...

DiggysStuff2, DiggysMobs2, DiggysAlphabet2, 
DiggysLights, DiggysDoughnuts & DV2ServerStuff. 

...ready to go!

Ever get frustrated that so many mod items / blocks don't contain Thaumcraft aspects? Well we're really going the extra mile and have added Thaumcraft aspects to well over 1000 additional items and blocks, plus around 40 additional mobs, in DiggyVerse 2.0!

How long until the update actually happens...

Server Due To Reopen: 4th April (after midday*)

*Exact time will vary due to various factors!